2024 Virginia Tech QuarkNET Center Annual Report

The year 2024 has been a revitalizing year of growth and change for the Virginia Tech Center.  Center mentor Camillo Mariani had to take a step back due to other professional obligations. Professor Tommy O’Donnell has stepped up to the plate as a pinch hitter/mentor and really delivered for our…

Annual Report 2024 - Vanderbilt University **DRAFT**

Vanderbilt University QuarkNet 2024   **DRAFT** Personnel The Vanderbilt University QuarkNet group is mentored by William (Bill) Gabella.  I am stepping down as the mentor at the end of the summer.  I advise the teachers and students on the use of the Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors (CRMDs), maintain…

Virginia Tech QuarkNet Center- Annual Report 2024

The year 2024 has been a revitalizing year of growth and change for the Virginia Tech Center.  Center mentor Camillo Mariani had to take a step back due to other professional obligations. Professor Tommy O’Donnell has stepped up to the plate as a pinch hitter/mentor and really delivered for our…

Syracuse 2024 Quarknet Workshop Annual report

2024 QuarkNet report LBL

2024 Abstract from Virginia

Integrating Systems to Test ASICs for Use in DUNE Student: Virginia Olson Scientist Mentor: Jonathan Paley   In the DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) far detector TPCs (Time Projection Chambers) are used to collect data about the neutrinos that pass through the detector. These TPCs…

2024 Annual Report

Overview:  Our group met approximately monthly on video conference (Zoom).  We held Sunday evening meetings as summarized below.  Our biannual in person meeting was held in Albuquerque, where we discussed quantum mechanics, small detectors (cosmic watches as the Accel Kitchen COGAMO), and lighting…