2020 CMS Data Virtual Workshop @ Syracuse University


Participating teachers will:

  • Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
  • Identify and describe ways that data are organized for determining any patterns that may exist in the data.
  • Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
  • Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.

We will also provide opportunities to engage in critical dialogue among teaching colleagues about what they learn in the workshop.

Zoom link:  https://notredame.zoom.us/j/97473033312?pwd=cThMS0FVeHRXRE5uZVI1MmRsbHN4Zz09

**Shane emailed the password. If you still need password information, please email Shane, Steve, or Matt. (See "contacts" below.)**


Daily sign-in: click here



Thursday, 20 August

08:30   Welcome & Introductions (Steve, Matt & Shane)

09:00    The Standard Model , "The Standard Model" - from particleadventure.org
              Introduce Acitvity: Particle Cards - for remote learningAlso for remote learning, and also for remote learning (3 group version) - Shane

09:15    Data Activity: Rolling with Rutherford - for remote learning - Shane

09:45    New Activity Prototype: Making Tracks I: Cloud Chamber - Student Page, Team Report Page - Mike

10:15    Break

10:30    New Activity Prototype: Making Tracks II: Bubble Chamber - Student Page -  Mike

11:15    Data Activity: Calculate the Z Mass - for remote use - Shane

12:00    End of day reflection - Shane

  • Q&A
  • Homework for tomorrow:
    • Watch 4 BAMC screencasts (Step1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4) - top of student BAMC page 
    • Start thinking of implementation
      • NYSSLYS model?
      • Use in hybrid/remote teaching?

12:30    End of day 1 - "Parking Lot" - Padlet


Friday, 21 August

08:30    Check-in - Steve, Matt, Shane

08:40    Talk & Q&A: The CMS Detector, Matt Rudolph - slides    

09:40    Break

09:45    Data Activity: BAMC (Big Analysis of Muons in CMS), created for remote learning

11:45    End of workshop activities

~12:30 End of workshop


