Lead Teachers and Mentors should prepare the following for a CMS or ATLAS Data Workshop:
- Name tags and markers/pens
- Workshop evaluation forms - print one for each teacher
- Rolling with Rutherford: Marbles or balls, flat even space, ruler(s) or meter stick(s), optional targets
- Printed events, protractors, scientific calculators for Z Mass or Top Mass activities
- Other activity printouts (see agenda)
- Tables, outlets, lighting, space, etc.
- Set-up and clean-up of room
- Venue/parking passes if needed
- Food related: tea, snack, lunch?
- One computer for each two participants with good internet connection
- Projector and screen
- Webcam/mic/speakers or H.323 (Polycom or equivalent) for videoconference
- Black/white board & markers
- Access to a printer
- Mentor presence
- Physicist to speak on CMS, ATLAS, or LHC; suggestions:
- include a bit about standard model
- introduce CERN, LHC, and CMS or ATLAS
- say a bit about speaker's research
- keep it simple and at a very general level - know the audience
- Ongoing communication before and after workshop
- International workshops: translators helpful