This is a private group for those who lead LIGO e-Lab workshops. It is a place to try ideas, pose questions and house resources for LIGO e-Lab workshops.
LIGO e-Lab Workshop Facilitators
Implementation of Workshop Ideas 2016
We are going to do....... How can we implement this in our classroom? Something something about the P waves giving students a better idea about the structure of the interior of the Earth…
LIGO eLAB workshop at BHSU
Objectives Participating teachers will be able to use the LIGO e-Lab to: Plot and interpret data recorded by LIGO seismic instruments Explain the importance of LIGO seismic data in…
LIGO e-Lab Workshop for VQNet in Chicago
August 11th-14th, 2016 Objectives Participating teachers will be able to use the LIGO e-Lab to: Plot and interpret data recorded by…
Gravitational Wave Review
Please diviide into 3 groups. Each group takes on the Foundational Question and on of the three Group Questions, using the provided online resources.. When each group is finished, the members …
LIGO Virtual Visits, Summer 2016
Different Frequency Bands in DMT
Dale Ingram of LIGO sent a nice description: 0.03 - 0.1 Hz -- Large distant quakes (>6.5); the seismic effects of strong local winds. 0.1 - 0.3 Hz -- Large distant quakes (>7); microseisms (…
Seismic Review Questions
Describe seismic waves. What are the types of seismic waves? How are they different from one another? How do the various types of seismic waves propagate through the earth? Why are seismic waves…