Ole Miss Workshop, 21 Jun 2021
Short URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/qn-miss-21jun21.
Please so these before Monday, if you can.
- Registration (see agenda below, 09:00)
- Watch one or more of these videos:
09:00 QN business/updates (Ken Cecire)
- Registration
- Update profile in quarknet.org (how to)
- If you completed a 2019 or 2020 teacher survey, fill out the survey update
- If you have not, fill out the full survey
- Data Activities Portfolio
09:30 Introduction to neutrinos (Gavin Davies)
- Beta decay n->p e v
- Neutrino hiearchy puzzle
- Sterile neutrino Why?
- Types of interactions CC NC etc.
10:00 Discovery of the neutrino (Denise Byrd)
10:15 Carbon 14 dating (Martha Mills) (slides)
10:30 Neutrinos from the Sun (Dennis Reed)
10:45 Measuring Plancks constant (Lucien Cremaldi)
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Afternoon Activity: Identifying neutrino interactions NOvA (Gavin Davies)
14:30 Afternoon Activity: 3D visualization (Jake Bennett)
15:30 Implementation Notes (Ken Cecire & all)
16:00 End of Day
More from Don Lincoln:
- How do you detect a neutrino?
- How do you make a neutrino beam?
- Understand neutrino oscillations like the pros
- Sterile neutrinos and seesaws
From the Fermilab Education Office:
QuarkNet Data Activity: