

Benvenuti a tutti i partecipanti!




Zoom link: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/94769077331?pwd=TFdHSy9TcjhadFpqZmp1TEJBaXNBQT09

Schedule: 08:00-09:00 Fermilab (U.S. Central Daylight Time), 15:00-16:00 CERN (Central European Daylight Time)

Short URL for this page: http://cern.ch/go/f6Js.


Topics to discuss

  • Teaching physics in a pandemic.
  • Physics teaching problems common to Italy and the U.S.
  • Building student interest
  • Going beyond interest to problem solving and data analysis.

Is there another item you would like to bring up? Send your suggestion to Sonia or Ken! (Italiano o inglese sono buoni.)


How we have a good conversation

  1. Speak slowly and clearly to minimize the language barrier.
  2. Make sure everyone has time to speak - don't speak too long.
  3. Stay on topic.
  4. Be polite, always!

