QuarkNet Fellows Description and Expectations


General Description

QuarkNet fellows are teacher leaders within the QuarkNet Collaboration who work with staff as force multipliers for engagement with the centers and their teachers. In general, a fellow serves at least one term of three years. Serving multiple terms is possible and in some cases desirable. Collectively, fellows assist staff by:

  • Serving as experts and participating in the particular fellows’ content area, activities, and events.
  • Proposing, developing, and testing student activities based on authentic data.
  • Creating new learning materials, both physical and online.
  • Developing workshops for teachers using best practices in professional development.
  • Facilitating teacher workshops.
  • Presenting at national, regional, and local conferences on behalf of QuarkNet.
  • Serving as a sounding board for staff regarding student, teacher, and classroom realities.
  • Working to broaden and diversify the audience for QuarkNet activities.
Not every fellow engages in every one of these tasks, but rather they work independently on different tasks and synthesize their work together as a team.

Fellows Groups

  • Coding fellows (new as of Jan. 2021)
  • Neutrino fellows (new as of Jan. 2021)
  • Cosmic Ray fellows
  • LHC fellows
  • Teaching & Learning fellows


The expectations for QuarkNet fellows include (and are not limited to):

  • Meet remotely with staff on average 1–2 times per month in order to maintain group cohesion and perform tasks described above.
  • Receive updeates and other pertinent news from QuarkNet Central.
  • Assist in the development of new activities and data analyses, providing feedback and recommendations.
  • Attend online or in-person fellows workshops, up to 3 days per year.


  • Fellows who facilitate workshops, attend the Fellows Development Workshop, or do equivalent work will be paid $150 per day, prorated for shorter work times. QuarkNet will reimburse necessary travel and materials costs.
  • Only fellows active as classroom teachers are eligible for Fellows Development Workshop compensation.