Syracuse University 2023 Workshop
Syracuse University QuarkNet Workshop
August 14-16, 2023
- Location: Syracuse University Physics Building, Room 208 (Campus Map)
We have arranged for parking in the Comstock lot. Driving directions to get to the lot can be found here.
Walking directions to the Physics building from the lot can be found here. It is about a 5-7 min walk to the Physics
Building. You need to tell the booth attendant that you are attending the Quarknet workshop. -
There is also on-street parking along Euclid Ave & side streets, but please note the parking signs
Small URL for this page:
Workshop Agenda and Resources
ResourcesWorkshop links:
Possible youtube videos of interest: Don Lincoln, Why is the Weak Force Weak? (10:19) Don Lincoln, Weak Nuclear Force: Quantum Chameleon (6:55) Don Lincoln, Is the weak nuclear force really a force? (8:12) Sabine Hossenfelder, The physics anomaly no one talks about: What’s up with those neutrinos? (11:53) Sabine Hossenfelder, Why can elementary particles decay? (8:29) |