Teaching with Data: Fermilab Center Muon Virtual Workshop 2020
July 28-30, 2020
Online - Zoom Link: https://fnal.zoom.us/j/93096253702
Tiny URL for this page: https://tinyurl.com/muonfnal2020
Objectives for Muon Workshop
Participating teachers will:
- Apply physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.
- Examine simulated and experimental data. Identify patterns within the data and consider causes of those patterns.
- Create, organize and interpret data plots; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
- Develop a plan for taking students from their current level of data use to subsequent levels using activities and/or ideas from the workshop.
We will also provide opportunities to engage in critical dialogue among teaching colleagues about what they learn in the workshop.
Times and specific activities are subject to adjustment - all times US Central.
Tuesday, July 2809:00 Welcome & Introductions (Spencer & Shane)
09:30 Group Norms and introduction to STEP UP program (Shane)
09:45 Mean Lifetime Part 1: Dice - Level 1 Data Portfolio Activity (Shane)
10:45 BREAK 11:00 Mean Lifetime Part 3: MINERvA - Level 2 Data Portfolio Activity - BEGIN (Shane & Spencer)
12:00 Administrative Pause
~12:30 Break for the day Wednesday, July 2909:00 Welcome back! (Spencer)
09:15 Mean Lifetime Part 3: MINERvA - Level 2 Data Portfolio Activity - FINISH (Shane)
10:00 BREAK 10:15 Mean Lifetime Part 2: Cosmic Muons (Mark Adams)
11:15-11:30 BREAK 11:30-12:30 BAMC (Big Analysis of Muons at CMS) Measurement
~12:30 End for the day (Optional office hour 1:00-2:00?) Thursday, July 3009:00 Welcome back! (Spencer)
09:15 BAMC (Big Analysis of Muons at CMS) Measurement (cont.) (Shane)
10:15 BREAK (and group picture) 10:30 Implementation Plan (Shane)
11:15 Next steps for 2020-2021: Discussing possibilities (George & Spencer)
11:40 Surveys (Shane)
~12:00 End of Workshop |