Cosmic Ray e-Lab: Fellows resources

Library for workshop documents

Workbench space for e-Lab Fellows to create, edit, and store workshop resources and documents.

Links :

Cosmic Ray Introduction - Catholic University Aug 2021

Slides from an introduction to cosmic rays and how teachers can observe them using QuarkNet detectors. Talk by Mark Adams at the QuarkNet summer workshop at Catholic University August 16, 2021.

Resources for Cosmic Ray Analyses Online

Cosmic Ray Analysis Opportunities The QuarkNet Cosmic Ray e-Lab ( contains a large data set of cosmic ray events and analysis tools with which teachers can perform …

Improvements to CR e-Lab

We propose a meeting at FNAL to discuss the e-Labs (31 March- 2 April). While most of our concerns are about Cosmic, we may also discuss other e-Labs for a limited time. Our experience with phone-…

Timing From Raw Data

Timing From Raw Data A brief attempt at explaining a time extraction from raw data. Sample Time Calc QDAQ.exe A windows-based program has been developed that will allow one to review a raw text data…

Estimating Flux Rates

Estimating Flux Rates Muon Flux rates are strongly affected by: Scintillator surface area Orientation Spacing and solid angle acceptance Intervening absorber material and thickness Altitude A simple…

Blessing Proposal Discussion

Blessing Proposal Discussion Proposal for Blessing data, July 2007. Media:Blessing+proposal.doc   Article from Auger group on Blessing data. [1]

Planning an experiment

Planning an experiment This is an Excel spreadsheet template for calculating how long you might need to run an experiment to see statistically significant differences in count rates. You enter your…

Running A Workshop

Running a workshop (Redirected from Running A Workshop) This file was made during the leadership session at Fermi Lab on Sunday, 7/15. Please improve and delete this disclaimer.   Workshop…

Plateauing Detectors

Plateauing Detectors "6000" CRMD Counters, Current version: Nov 2011 Remade from previous versions; tested by Jeremy Paschke and Martin Shaffer, Summer 2009 Students will require both following…