Level 2

CMS Masterclass WZH-path

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to learn how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.

Z Mass Spreadsheet Extension

Students use spreadsheet coding to determine the Z Mass for a large data set.

Mean Lifetime Part 3: MINERvA

Students collect data from muons which decay in the MINERvA detector in the Fermilab NuMi beamline to understand particle decay and determine the muon lifetime.

Making it ‘Round the Bend - Quantitative

Students measure the effects of electric and magnetic fields on particles. 

CMS Masterclass J/Psi

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to learn how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.

ATLAS W-path Masterclass

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.

Mean Lifetime Part 2: Cosmic Muons

Students learn how physicists measure muon lifetime.

ATLAS Data Express

ATLAS Data Express is a short investigation in which students inspect and characterize Z events in the LHC and distinguish muons from electrons.


Use quantum physics and LHC data to estimate the size of the proton.

CMS Data Express

CMS Data Express is a short investigation in which students inspect and characterize W or Z events from the LHC.