2020 Coding Camp

Daily Zoom Link    Find this page at tinyurl.com/QN2020campv2


2020 Virtual Camp, July 27-31


Time Zone

Session 1


Session 2

Eastern & Atlantic

















Quarknet Teaching & Learning Fellows

Jeremy Smith (Johns Hopkins) 443-834-9406

Jodi Hansen  (Univ. of Minnesota)

Gerry Gagnon (Boston)  508 527 0240

Adam LaMee adamlamee@gmail.com (Univ. of Central Florida)



Quarknet Center

Cell #

Bhavna Rawal

Rice/ Houston


Charlie Payne



Daniel Gutierrez

U Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

(787) 392-9527

Greg Hrinda

Johns Hopkins


Helen Coyle


201 214 1719

Jacob Breman

Florida State University


Jason Williamson

Rice / Houston


Maria Niland


757 817 5557

Nicole Preiser



Mike Plucinski

University of Minnesota


Steve Kaestner

U of New Mexico


Susan Wetzler


(631) 901-5596


Workshop Goals

  1. Review and reteach core concepts of particle physics, such as the framework of the Standard Model, the anatomy of a particle accelerator and detector, and the methods for calculating invariant mass from 4-vector data.
  2. Review and apply basic aspects of computer programming in Python, such as conditionals, math functions and plotting, and file manipulation.
  3. Use simple programming tools to analyze large datasets generated from the CMS experiment in the 2010 and 2011 runs, and run analyses of these data. Generate conclusions about these analyses that include both calculations and plots (e.g. of invariant or transverse mass).
  4. Search for new scientific datasets available online and write code to perform analyses of these new data.
  5. Design a series of code-centered activities that either add onto existing units in a high school physics course, or replace an already existing activity; create a plan for implementation of these activities.

QuarkNet Enduring Understandings

  1. Claims are made based on data that constitute the evidence for the claim.
  2. Particle physicists use conservation of energy and momentum to discover the mass of fundamental particles.
  3. Indirect evidence provides data to study phenomena that cannot be directly observed.
  4. Scientists continuously check the performance of their instruments by performing calibration runs, using particles with well-known characteristics.
  5. Data can be analyzed more effectively when properly organized; charts and histograms provide methods of finding patterns in large data sets.
  6. Data can be used to develop models based on patterns in the data.
  7. Physicists use models to make predictions about and explain natural phenomena.
  8. Particle decays are probabilistic for any one particle.
  9. Physicists must identify and subtract “noisy” background events in order to identify the “signal.”
  10. Well-understood particle properties such as charge, mass, and spin provide data to calibrate detectors.
  11. The Standard Model provides a framework for our understanding of matter.
  12. Research questions, experiments and models are formed and refined by observed patterns in large data sets.


Mon 27 July

Session 1

Zoom Link

(15 min) Welcome, introductions


(15 min) Norms discussion and activity


(15 min) Our philosophy re:coding




(15 min) Getting started 


(3 hrs) Introductory Jupyter notebooks (Drive folder)

Session 2

(30 min) Guest: Sonali Joshi (joshi.sonali@knights.ucf.edu), Physics PhD student at U of Illinois


(1 hr) Big datasets: the 10 I’m 0,000 brightest stars in the Milky Way


(5 min) Daily feedback survey



Tue 28 July

Session 1

(30 min) All Hands meeting

  • Successes / challenges from yesterday’s notebooks
  • Other cool things discovered
  • Groups assigned their decay mode


(30 min) Particle Physics review w/Jeremy (file is in shared folder, and so is a recording of the talk.)


(3 hrs) Big CMS dataset analysis

  • (during this time, take breaks as needed and ask us for help if you        are stuck!)


from Daniel, an app suggestion:  Standard Model

Session 2

(1.5 hr) Breakout Groups of 6 (by Decay Mode)

  • Finish any last-minute tasks with partner group
  • Discuss results with other group assigned same decay mode
  • Prepare a short visual presentation of your results
  • Discuss the follow-up questions


(0.5 hr) All Hands Meeting

  • Decay Mode Group report out


(5 min) Daily feedback survey



Wed 29 July

Session 1

(30 min) All Hands


(3.5 hrs) Student Hat time


Here is the folder for the Student Hat Notebooks that you will be presenting.  (Make sure that you save a copy before running!)


(1:PM EST) Dr. Renata Rawlings-Goss, Georgia Tech, Executive Director of the South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub

Session 2

(1 hr) Harrison Prosper, FSU, experimental physicist on CMS


You can download his Q&A session from the shared folder, and here is a direct link,


The recording of this video will also be found in the teacher folder.


Start to generate Teacher Hat ideas using: https://b.socrative.com/login/student/

Room Name: HANSEN514

You can enter as many answers as you wish & when displayed, they will be anonymous. This will be open until the beginning of tomorrow’s session1.


Here are the generated ideas from Socrative.


(0.75 hrs) Student Hat work time: continue developing and refining new notebook


(5 min) Daily feedback survey


Thu 30 July

Session 1

(0.5 hrs) Tobias Marriage, cosmology professor at JHU (here’s the recording of the session)


Here’s Toby’s “lecture 8” notebook showing how to use Monte Carlo methods to approximate areas and do curve fits


(2.5 hrs) All Hands

  • Each group shares their code (in the teacher folder)
  • Groups spend 10 minutes running/analyzing the code
  • The presenting group takes 5 minutes for QPS from the campers


Ideas for Teacher Hat projects


(1 hr) Debrief and miscellanea


Quick survey per Greg’s suggestion - and here’s the responses!

Session 2

(1.75 hrs) Teacher Hat mode


(5 min) Daily feedback survey


Fri 31 July

Session 1

(15 min) All Hands

  • Thoughts from yesterday (Carol Dweck/Imposter syndrome, T&L and balance of technical/non-technical, new philos of coding, positive struggles, risk aversion) 
  • Ideas for logistics breakout (e.g., GitHub, LaTeX, analyzing student-collected data)


(1.5 hr) Continue working on implementation plans


(20-30 min) Quarknet Accounting


(1.5 hr) Continue working on implementation plan, put them in this folder

  • 30 min optional - various tips & tricks from Adam


(30 min) Allen Foster, PhD student for Case Western, currently stationed at South Pole (1:30pm eastern, 5:30am Saturday SPTime)


(0-10 min) All Hands

Session 2

(30 min) Dr. Bryan Ramson, Neutrino researcher at Fermilab


(recording is in folder)



(40 min) Share plans for implementation in groups of 4 (in the teacher folder

  • 5 minutes of each camper “Driving” one notebook; 5 minutes of feedback/questions
  • Briefly decide upon ONE activity (of the four) that you want to “showcase” to the whole group
  • listen and watch as a student might, and author can write # comments/feedback into the notebook


(45 min) Showcase to the whole group

  • Showcaser will screen share, briefly summarize lesson, and mention some of the feedback received during the small group session
    • Bhavna
    • Charlie
    • Daniel
    • Greg
    • Helen
    • Jacob
    • Jason
    • Maria
    • Nicole
    • Mike
    • Steve
    • Susan     


(5 min) Daily feedback survey

Final Wrap-Up Stuff, Fri 31 July

$$$$  Email companion document to tlquarknet@gmail.com and you’ll get a response with instructions on how to submit receipts and receive stipends. 


Learning to code

Data Science
