2023 Coding Camp 0

Coding Camp 0 Agenda

Meeting Times: June 20 and 21 


  9:00 am - 12 pm

  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch

  1:00 pm - 3 pm




Christine (Chris) DiMenna



Joy Breman



Mark Hermano

New Hampshire



Tuesday, July 20, 2023

9:00 am Introductions

   Opening Discussion, Sign-in

   Registration Form for Stipends

   STEP UP Norms

   Welcome to Coding! 

   Why Coding Matters

   Google Colab


9:45       Intro to Coding

  Breaks as needed


10:30     Break


10:40    Intro to Loops

  Loops & Logic


11:50     All Hands

  Regroup and discuss the morning

    Break for lunch


1:00 pm Reconvene

  Discuss the morning session

  What went well, what didn’t?

  Anything you need to review?


1:10   Keep exploring! 

  Dice Rolling

  Breaks as needed


  Quarknet Data Portfolio


2:45   All Hands




9:00 am Morning Discussion 


9:15   Position-Time Graphs: Modeling with Equations (Part 1)


9:40       Break


10:00     Position-Time Graphs: Using a Data File (Part 2A)

  Muon Mass- If time/ Small Groups


11:35      All Hands


  Break for Lunch


1:00 pm Discussion


1:10   Teacher Hat! 

Pair Programming

Best practices

What if I can’t use colab?

Explore other notebooks at the end of this document! 

Implementation Plans

2:30   End of Program discussion 

  Short Share Out

   End of Workshop reflection/ survey

   QuarkNet Survey


Done Early? Check out these resources


H-R Diagram

Mass on a Spring

Bigfoot Sightings

Quick Review / Cheat Sheet

Surface area

Coding in k-12: https://adamlamee.github.io/CODINGinK12/

QuarkNet’s Github: https://github.com/QuarkNet-HEP/coding-camp


Interested in Learning More?

Coding Camps this summer - week long coding activities https://quarknet.org/content/coding-camp-2023 


In addition to Google Colab, there are other available platforms:

Helpful Functions

range (min(array input), max(array input))

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7.50, 3.50]   #changes the size of your graph

plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True