2023 UPRM One Day Workshop

UPRM One-Day Data Camp

Workshop Team

Quarknet Fellows

  • Jeremy Smith (jsmith10@bcps.org), high school teacher in Baltimore County, MD
  • Adam LaMee(adamlamee@gmail.com), teacher-in-residence at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
  • Jeff Rodriguez(jeffrodriguez@foresthills.edu), high school teacher in Cincinnati, OH
  • Jodi Hansen(jdhans@mac.com), high school teacher in Worthington, MN
  • Gerry Gangon (gerard_gagnon@newton.k12.ma.us), high school teacher in Newton, MA
  • Enrique Arce-Larreta, physics teacher from Salt Lake City, Utah 

UPRM Staff

  • Sudhir Malik (sudhir.malik@cern.ch), Professor in Physics at UPRM
  • Diyaselis Delgado Lopez, graduate student at UPRM
  • Guillermo Fidalgo Rodriguez, graduate student at UPRM



Before June 20

Saturday, June 20

Zoom link



Activities below (Colab notebooks) require a Google account


  • Notebook: Data Camp Intro 
    • Skills: run, edit, & save a notebook
  • Notebook: Probability
    • Task: Simulate flipping a coin 10 times for 8 trials and make a histogram of the number of heads for each trial.
    • Skills: generate random numbers, create and format a histogram
  • Midday reflection


  • Notebook: Projectile in Air
    • Task: Model the motion of a projectile in air
    • Skills: modify a loop, define a function, format a plot
  • Notebook: Muon mass
    • Task: reconstruct the invariant mass of a muon
    • Skills: calculate invariant mass given its 4-vector (energy and x/y/z-momentum), make a mass plot
  • (Optional Extension Task) Notebook: Star catalogue
    • Task: create a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram from the Hipparcos catalog
    • Skills: load a csv from a URL, analyze and visualize data with limited scaffolding 
  • (Optional Extension Task) Notebook: Leptonic Decays
    • Task: characterize a parent particle using CMS dilepton events
    • Skills: conduct a mass reconstruction, make a mass plot, fit a curve
  • Finished already? View student activities at CODINGinK12.org
  • End-of-day reflection and feedback survey


Additional Nice Things!


Desmos  graphing calculator: https://www.desmos.com/calculator