2023 University of Alabama

University of Alabama
Teacher Coding Workshop Agenda 

June 5th - 7th, 2023

Workshop Goals

  1. Review and apply basic aspects of computer programming in Python, such as conditionals, math functions and plotting, and file manipulation.
  2. Use simple programming tools to analyze large datasets generated from the CMS experiment and run analyses of these data. Generate conclusions about these analyses that include both calculations and plots (e.g. of invariant or transverse mass).
  3. Search for new scientific datasets available online and write code to perform analyses of these new data.
  4. Design a series of code-centered activities that either add onto existing units in a K-12 course, or replace an already existing activity; create a plan for implementation of these activities.


Location: UA Campus, Gallalee Hall, Room #310


UA Faculty Advisor

Prof. Sergei Gleyzer


Quarknet Coding Fellows

Joy Breman - Florida State Center

Megan Alvord - Virtual Center


Alabama Center Participants

Destiny Langford

Monica Watkins

Sarah Newton


Day 1

Session 1

9:00 Welcome

  • Stipends → attendance
    • Call Anne Zakas and give SSN 
    • 574-631-2789 Encrypted and such
  • Wifi
  • Parking
  • Complete the Quarknet Registration Form 
  • Introductions


9:45 Norms discussion and activity


10:15 Our philosophy re:coding


10:25 Driver/navigator time


12:00 Lunch Break

Session 2

1:00 Continue driver/nav work from session 1. 


1:45 CMS Experiment review (Ana Maria Slivar)

        Ana Maria's slides


2:20 Continue working on muon mass notebook or start working with the  Double Muon Run data


3:45 All hands meeting



Day 2

Session 1

9:00 All Hands meeting

  • Successes / challenges from yesterday’s notebooks 
  • Group photo later this AM


9:15  Switch to Teacher Hat mode


10:30 Work solo or in groups


11:50 Group Photo #1


12:00 Lunch Break

Session 2

1:00 Continue work on implementation plan


3:45 All Hands Meeting


Day 3

Session 1


9:00 All Hands

  • Thoughts from yesterday 
  • How to do this without Google access?
    • On your computer: Install Anaconda (includes Jupyter, Python, & all your favorite modules)
    • Free online: Repl.it


(anytime this AM) Quarknet Teacher survey

  • Please complete this  survey. It will take about 15 minutes.


Processing LHC Data - great video!


9:15 Continue working on implementation plan

  • Brainstorm and data search
  • develop a plan for implementation with your students
  • use whatever format or structure you’d like
  • A good place to include your implementation plan is in your coding notebook.
  • Be prepared to have others look at your implementation plan and coding activity during Session 2.
  • Upload your implementation plan here


11:30 Precision Navigation and Timing and Frequency Lab Tour with Prof. Thejesh Bandi 


12:30 Lunch Break (everyone together)

Session 2

1:30 Share plans for implementation

  • Each camper shares their lesson concept and notebook. Others participate as a student might.
  • Others provide comments/feedback
  • The author can make their own notes with comments/feedback.


2:30  Introduction to QuarkNet by Ken Cecire (University of Notre Dame and QuarkNet) 


3:00 How to do this without Google access?

3:15 Resources


3:40 Group Photo #2


3:45 Housekeeping and sign off


Megan’s kinematics python notebooks ← these are still rough drafts, but a different way to model motion.