2024 Coding Camp 2

v2024 QuarkNet Coding Camp 2


Time: Sunday, July 21 - Friday, July 26

We will share our work on the CC2 group document

Coding Fellows

Megan Alvord (ms.mealvord@gmail.com), Virtual QuarkNet Center (North Carolina)

Tiffany Coke (tcoke@punahou.edu), Hawai’i QuarkNet Center 

Danelix Cordero (cdanelix@hotmail.com), Puerto Rico QuarkNet Center 

Chris Hatten (c.hatten.77@gmail.com), Houston QuarkNet Center

Kayla Mitchell (kayla.mitchell@aps.edu), New Mexico QuarkNet Center

Tracie Schroeder (bravesearth@gmail.com), Kansas QuarkNet Center


Thanks for wanting to spend a week of your precious summer with us. In return, we’ll do our best to give you a truly valuable experience learning how to enrich your courses with coding and particle physics. 


QuarkNet’s Coding Camp 2 is a one-week workshop for teachers of high school physics and related topics to gain in-depth experience with fundamental computer programming skills and applications. Particle physics is used as the context for these learning experiences where teachers practice analyzing and visualizing data from high energy experiments with spreadsheets and python notebooks. Coding Camp 2 builds on teachers’ prior exposure to programming through QuarkNet’s Data Camp and Coding Camp 1 and broader professional development in particle physics, data science, and computational modeling.


Hotel: Residence Inn Warrenville


Participants List

Vandhana Palliyarikkah Ramachandran - New Mexico QuarkNet Center

Jason Williamson - Rice University QuarkNet Center

Rob Sullivan - Rice University QuarkNet Center

Shelley Bullard - University of Florida QuarkNet Center

Monica Lopez De Victoria- UPRM QuarkNet Center

Felix Nieve - UPRM, QuarkNet Center 

Coralis Pagan - UPRM QuarkNet Center



Sunday, July 21

  • Plan on arriving at the hotel by 6pm. Communicate with Tiffany (info above) if you’re having trouble and we’ll get it sorted.
  • 7pm meet in Residence Inn conference room or outside if the weather is good, short check in meeting
    • Icebreaker activity
      • Determine the local magnitude and direction of the Earth’s magnetic field. There are several good, free apps for this. PhyPhox is great if you don't have one already.
    • Fellows Icebreaker activity
      • Share any coding activities you have used and discuss how you’d continue to use them or change them
    • Light Dinner (around 8pm)
      • Pizza, vegetables, snacks

Monday, July 22

9AM meet in Residence Inn lobby to travel to Fermilab

  • Get into carpool groups
    • Driving directions from the hotel to Fermilab Wilson Hall (the tall bldg, locals just call it “the highrise”). You’ll need to enter this direction through the East Gate on Day One to get the business visitor badge from the guard at the gate. Have your QR code and ID ready!
  • Head to Building 327. Here’s a map. From Wilson Hall heading east, it’s the last building on the left. We held Data Camp there for the past ~5 years, if it looks familiar. 


9am-11:45am at Fermilab

  • Welcome!
    • Have everyone introduce themselves
    • Structure of the week
      • student-hat: early in the learning cycle, this is for you to learn new things, some will be beyond what you’d have your students do  

QuarkNet Github

Review the Intro to Colab activity from Coding Camp 1

  • teacher-hat: later in the learning cycle, apply what you’ve learned to design a lesson for your course

BSCS 5E Learning Cycle 

  • Safety, bathrooms, coffee, shoes, lunch


11:45am walk to lunch at Wilson Hall Cafeteria

Tip: Check out the menu and order online on your way to the cafeteria to skip the line! https://www.clover.com/online-ordering/fermilab-caf---taher-batavia

The Clover app is also available if you want to order via phone. Look for the FERMILAB CAFE - TAHER


12:45pm walk back to Building 327

  • Complete Data Viz


2:30pm Guest speaker Dr. Sudhir Malik, UPRM, CERN 


3:30pm Share out

  • Add your colab links to our CC2 group document
  • Share a short gem or two from the conversations you had relating to data visualization today  


4:30pm Wrap up


Around 5pm Leave Fermilab for Residence Inn




Tuesday, July 23

9:00am meet in hotel lobby to drive to Fermilab

9:30am Building 327 at Fermilab


  • Drop a read-only link to your data visualization Colab in this document if you didn’t yesterday: Share Out 
    • Some folks have tips, advice, or activities to share that would benefit everyone, if you want to add your ideas to the same document, different tab, we’ll set aside time on Thursday specifically for intergroup sharing


  • More student-hat time: focus on B Field Variation notebook (make a copy in your own Gdrive)
    • For first timers - Does the magnetic field around your workspace have the same magnitude as outside? (follow the notebook and use Holmes Statistics Summary when you get to that part. Numpy has a handy np.std( ) function)
      • Finished early or want more? Gather more data from areas that you think should have different B field results and compare. Compare your results with others and see if they change when you aggregate data.
    • For returners - find your notebook from last time and review the Holmes Statistics Summary. Then explore how you could repeat the process with a different phyphox or physics toolbox sensor. Then do it! Partner work is encouraged
    • Looking for a greater challenge? Try Fitting by the Method of Weighted Least-Squares from Holmes Statistics Summary starting on page 4. 
    • Other helpful resources



12 pm Lunch at Wilson cafeteria



FermiLab Tour 


Return to Building 327 at Fermilab

  • More student-hat time
    • Finish up the t’ test activity comparing magnetic fields in 2 locations
    • Upload your completed activity as view only in the Share Out  document


2:30pm Guest speaker Dr. Sergei Gleyzer, University of Alabama


Dr. Sergei Gleyzer, Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Director of the UA Data Science Laboratory and Alabama Center for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Sergei Gleyzer has been an integral part of the team that discovered the Higgs boson in 2012. His research interests include novel approaches to physics analysis, particle and event identification, detector reconstruction, simulation and particle physics triggering systems. Dr. Gleyzer works on the development of artificial intelligence techniques for new physics, including searches for rare decays of the Higgs boson and dark matter using the data collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. He is the founder of the Inter-experimental LHC Machine Learning (IML) Working Group, the CMS Experiment’s Machine Learning Forum and the Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) organization. 


3:30pm Wrap up B Field

Mark Adams

QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Coordinator

Email adams@fnal.gov 






  • Leave Fermilab around 5pm



Wednesday, July 24

8:30am meet in hotel lobby to drive to Fermilab

9am Building 327 at Fermilab


9:15-9:30  Brief overview of particle physics with a focus on muons and muon tracks


9:30-10am  Working in building 327 at Fermilab

  • More student-hat time, try out another activity even if you haven’t finished previous activities
  • Start notebook on Model Fitting with Muon Tracks (under the Coding Camp 2 tab)
  • This is meant to be a partner or group activity, feel free to discuss both the coding and the physics


10am DEI Discussion with Adam LaMee adamlamee@gmail.com , Lead on PhysTEC at APS (zoom link)


10:30am Continue Model Fitting with Muon Tracks 


11:30am Lunch: Fermilab Cafeteria


Group Picture! Folder with pictures


1pm  Reconvene in 327 


Continue working on Model Fitting with Muon Tracks 

For an extra challenge, try the Model Fitting with Muon Tracks Machine Learning


Additional Colab example files:

Energy Lab (student)

Energy Lab (teacher)

Pendulum draft(!)


2:30pm Guest Speaker Dr Aleksandra M. Ciprijanovic, Wilson Fellow Associate Scientist at the Data Science, Simulation, and Learning Division at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, also leading the Cosmic AI group


Aleksandra is a Wilson Fellow Associate Scientist at the Data Science, Simulation, and Learning Division at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and is also leading the Cosmic AI group. Before moving to Fermilab, she was an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and the Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She is interested in the formation and evolution of structures in the Universe - from galaxies and galaxy clusters to large-scale structures. Her work focuses on advancing and building trustworthy and robust AI algorithms that will allow us to fully utilize all available data in the era of large astronomical surveys.

Rersourses and presentation share by Dra.Aleksandra:   

Deep Skies
Hello Universe
Galaxy zoo



Wherever you are in the Model Fitting with Muon Tracks activity, stop and share something you learned with someone near you. Share a question you still have. 

Share your draft or complete version in view only format in the Share Out document


4pm  Do items 1 & 2 on the QuarkNet must-do page

  • We’ll omit items 3 & 5 and save item 4 (surveys) for Friday AM


Leave Fermilab around 4:30pm


Thursday, July 25

8:30am meet in hotel lobby to drive to Fermilab

9am Building 327 at Fermilab


  • Review Share Out document and add any links you still have
  • Questions and thoughts from yesterday? Any questions on the muon tracks activity or the machine learning extension?


Switch from student-hat to teacher-hat

  • Reevaluate the 3 activities you’ve worked on with your teacher hat on
    • How would you see this working in your class?
    • How would you change it?


  • Teacher-hat time 
    • How do you envision incorporating something you learned this week into your classes?
    • Discuss ideas with other teachers and share
    • Start developing your implementation plan



10:30am Megan Alvord: Using GitHub

How we currently store resources - QuarkNet Github


Some other things


Thank you notes! 


Lunch: 11:30-12:30



12:45pm Building 327 

  • Share your draft implementation plan with your group (Share Out)
    • Spend about 5 min sharing/explaining/letting them try it out


2:30pm Guillermo Fidalgo, doctoral student at Alabama University, High Energy Physics, specializes in Machine Learning and Shera Sharma UPRM PostDoc




3:30pm Building 327

  • Plan for sharing something you’ve worked on, something you’ve done, a coding tip or a good idea you have in the Share Out  document for Friday morning
  • Add a link to your implementation plan in the Share Out  document
  • Do the daily feedback form before you leave
  • Leave Fermilab around 4:30pm

Friday, July 26

8:30am meet in hotel lobby to drive to Fermilab

9am Building 327 at Fermilab

  • Complete implementation plans and share links on the Share Out document, last tab!
  • Work with each other to review, help edit, help with roadblocks, etc.


11:15am Lunch at Cafeteria


12:30 leave for Building 327


1:00pm Final Sharing

  • Share Out  !
  • Show your activity to the group and walk through w/ discussion, between 3-5 minutes - timer will go off at 5 minutes!


3pm Final Logistics and Wrap Up

  • Workshop Evaluation When you submit it, you will get a link to a form you can download and fill out to turn in to your district for credit.
  • Survey from Spencer’s office
  • Complete item 1 and item 3 on the QuarkNet must-do page
    • 1) Registration - follow the link on the above page
    • 3) Annual QuarkNet Survey - some need the full, some need the express, there’s also a Spanish language version, use whatever link you need
    • Send gas, rental car, travel expenses to Anne Zakas


Colab tip from Google Support: Notice template for schools when gathering parent or guardian consent


Colab parent/guardian permission request sample, generated by ChatGPT



Graduate credit is available through St Francis University


  • You should register for REAL-696-I (QuarkNet Coding II)
  • Once you register, you should receive confirmation from St Francis


Travel Information


Chatgpt introduction for Megan:

Introducing Megan: A Physics Educator Extraordinaire

With over a decade of experience teaching all levels of physics, including computational physics, Megan has become a cornerstone of the North Carolina education community. Currently shaping young minds at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, she also dedicates her time to coaching the swim team and organizing teaching assistants. Megan’s coding journey began in college with Java and HTML, and she has since expanded her expertise to include teaching the MIT App Inventor at summer camps. Her favorite programming language is Python, and she particularly enjoys using Colab for its seamless integration with GitHub.