Masterclass Workshop at ASIJ

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The Masterclass Workshop at ASIJ give physics teachers the information and background to start a particle physics masterclass. We will work together on aspects of the physics involved, how to effectively convey this to students, and the mechanics of running an International Masterclass. The challenges and opportunities of doing a masterclass in an international school environment will be given special attention.

The workshop will be facilitated by Kenneth Cecire of the University of Notre Dame in the U.S. and Joel Klammer of Concordia International School in Shanghai, China. Ken is a National Staff Teacher for the U.S. QuarkNet program and co-coordinator of International Masterclasses along with Uta Bilow of the Technical University of Dresden in Germany. Joel teaches physics and is a QuarkNet fellow. Joel has organized International Masterclasses in Shaghai fro four years, first at his school and then reaching out to other nearby international schools.

The language of discourse of the workshop will be English.



Participating teachers will:

  • Identify and describe ways students use and learn both classical and particle physics in masterclasses.
  • Create, organize and interpret data plots in masterclasses; make claims based on evidence and provide explanations; identify data limitations.
  • Develop a plan for application of masterclasses and use of particle physics investigations to help their students.



Times and specific activities vary.

Where marked, sessions are accessible remotely via internet videoconference. Connections are made through a CERN Vidyo link found on the online meeting Indico page. Times there may be set to your local time. (Read up on the basics of using Vidyo.)

Sat 26 Sep 2015

09:00     Coffee and Sign-in 

09:30     Introduction to Particle Physics Masterclasses (Cecire)

               Available via online videconference

10;00     Masterclasses in an International School (Klammer)

                Available via online videconference

10:30    Break

10:45    Discussion

Particpants form small groups; discuss IB Physics or other requirements and report.

11:15    Masterclass Preparation Activities 

 Groups rotate through these activities:

12:00    Lunch

13:00   Masterclass Preparation Activity

13:45     Reflection on Activities         

14:15     Break

14:50     Introduction to the LHC

              Available via online videconference

15:30     ATLAS Virtual Visit

               Connect to ATLAS videoconference

16:00     End of Day


Sun 27 Sep 2015

09:00     Coffee and Sign-in/Recap of Yesterday/Plan for Today

09:30     Intro to CMS

              Available via online videconference

10:00     Try it: CMS masterclass measurement

              Available via online videconference

10:45     Break

11:00     Reflection and Discussion

               Available via online videconference

11:30     Quick survey of other masterclasses

  • ATLAS Z and W paths
  • CMS J/Ψ
  • Masterclass-in-a-Box and International Masterclass Day

12:00     Lunch

13:00     Exploration of Masterclass-related websites

Small groups choose from these websites and report what they have learned:

13:30     Exploration beyond the masterclass 

14:00     Break

14:30      Online Masterclass at AISR  (Schellenbeger via Vidyo)   

 Available via online videconference

14:50      Discussion and Planning  

               Available via online videconference

15:30     Wrap-up and evaluation

               Available via online videconference

16:00     End of workshop






Attending the Workshop

RegistrationWorkshop Registration is now OPEN! Please go to this Google form to register!

LocationThe American School in Japan (Chofu campus), 1-1-1 Nomizu, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, 182-0031, Japan 

There may be a modest registration fee. Please watch this space or contact Joel Klammer, below.

Tokyo is served by Narita International Airport and Haneda Airport with extensive domestic and international flights and excellent rail and bus links.

