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This page is constructed to help a new masterclass leader get International Masterclasses up and running for the first time. 

The Masterclass Project Chart below shows the major activities associated with running a masterclass with approximate intervals in which they should be accomplished. The times in days are based around the day of the masterclass, though at the very beginning of the process the exact day may not be known. Each task on the chart is linked to a page that describes the task and how it may be accomplished. The tasks are also listed and briefly described below the chart and in the organizational timeline. Further information is linked under Masterclass Project Tasks.

Organization and assistance:

Organizational timeline, a very helpful alternative view to the Project Chart.

Masterclass Coordinators

Masterclass Project Tasks

Organize teacher groupThis is the initial phase of organizing a masterclass. A small cadre of high school physics teachers is helpful to select students for the masterclass, prepare them ahead of time, bring them on the masterclass day, and help the tutors to assist the students. They will also be most likely to carry out any follow-on.

OrientationIt is helpful to have an Orientation to the masterclass for the masterclass tutors and the teachers to familiarize them with masterclass logistics, the particulars of their masterclass measurement, and how to choose and prepare students. It is best if it is facilitated by an experienced masterclass leader; when this is not possible, the new leader should facilitate with the help of this Starter Kit and collegial advice.

Form student group. With advice and guidelines from the masterclass leader, each teacher should choose a limited number of motivated students to participate the masterclass. The overall number of participants should be limited, especially in the first year.

Prepare students. This is normally the reponsibility of the teacher, though other arrangements are possible. The purpose is to give students some background in particle physics so that they will have a higher comfort level at the masterclass and be able to get more out of it. Three hours of preparation is recommended.

Prepare institute. The leader and tutors must be sure that the institution is organized so that all participants will have what they need for the masterclass.

Masterclass day. This is the big day: demonstrations, presentations, tours, and, most important, the masterclass measurement followed by analysis and discussion of results.

Follow-up. This phase is often overlooked. After the masterclass, there will be students who have developed a keen interest in particle physics. There are practical ways we can help students continue their inquiry and their work with physicists and each other.



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ATLAS detector slice

ATLAS H-->2gamma animated mass plot

CMS detector slice

CMS H-->ZZ-->4lepton animated mass plot

CERN in 3 minutes

LHC in 10 minutes

Hypatia 7.4

International masterclasses

ATLAS masterclass

CMS masterclass