2024 Abstract from Virginia

Integrating Systems to Test ASICs for Use in DUNE

Student: Virginia Olson

Scientist Mentor: Jonathan Paley


In the DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) far detector TPCs (Time Projection Chambers) are used to collect data about the neutrinos that pass through the detector. These TPCs use wires to collect signals from particles created by neutrino interactions. These signals then have to be amplified, shaped, digitized, and communicated by some electronic system. It was decided that this electronic system would be composed of three separate ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) designs. These ASICs can’t be maintained or replaced during the twenty-year run of DUNE.

Therefore, it is incredibly important that the ASICs are thoroughly tested prior to their installation. This is a major endeavor as there are 100,000s of these chips. The RTS (Robotic Test Stand) was developed to automate this process. The RTS must work with other systems, including a computer to send test commands and a light curtain. To integrate the RTS with these other systems I began writing a python program to oversee and control the systems at play.

This software has two parts, a state machine and a GUI (Graphical User Interface). The state machine tracks what the system is doing even as for example the testing computer takes over from the RTS as the component performing actions. The GUI shows a user the state and allows them to transition the state machine. The state machine communicates with various elements of the system and tracks their actions. The GUI displays the current state and allows users to transition the state machine.