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Participating teachers:
- gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete investigations using LHC data;
- interpret event displays from CMS and explain their meaning;
- conduct LHC investigations with students and successfully prepare them for masterclass; and
- assist mentors in organizing and facilitating a masterclass.
Monday 8 July 201309:30 Coffee and Registration 10:00 Introduction 10:30 Talk: The CMS Experiment 11:30 Activity 1: Rolling with Rutherford 12:00 lunch 13:00 Activity 2: Calculate the Z Mass 14:00 CMS Data Express 15:00 Discussion 15:30 Fermilab Virtual Visit 16:00 End of day |
Tuesday 9 July 201309:30 Coffee and reflections 10:00 CMS W/Z Measurement 12:00 lunch 13:00 Advanced data exploration (choice): 15:00 Discussion and Evaluation 16:00 End of workshop |
- Preflight checklist for center leaders
- International Masterclasses
- Rutgers QuarkNet Center group pages
- Schedule of Workshops
- Guide to LHC Fellows Workshop