LHC Masterclass Library 2022

Links :

W2D2 2022 archive

  World Wide Data Day 2022: Thursday, 10 November, 00:00-23:59 UTC       Small URL for this page: http://tiny.cc/w2d2.   Registration is now closed. To request late…

LHC Masterclass Archive 2022

2022 Schedule for CMS masterclass videoconferences moderated by FermilabThis will be updated as registrations are received.Times are in U.S. Central Time. (Convert to your time zone.) This schedule…

CMS Published Mass Plots

Dimuon   4-lepton   4-lepton, animated  

Shanghai and Singapore CMS Masterclass Results 2022

Mass Plots Key Ratios   Published Mass plots

CMS Masterclass Documentation 2022

Short URL for this page: . This document in PDF form: .   CMS WZH 2,4-Lepton Measurement  For "classic" CMS WZH 2-lepton measurement, go to CMS Masterclass 2019 Documentation.   Created by K.…

CMS WZH-path measurement 2024

This page is to help to guide mentors and teachers in planning the masterclass with the CMS WZH-path measurement.. Navigation Screencasts iSPy and spreadsheets Students arrive Shift training…

W2D2 Videoconferences

     9 November 2023       Page Navigation :    Notes       Videocon Tests       Schedule       Plan       Moderators       Questions   To participate in a videoconference, a group…

Register for W2D2

World Wide Data Day is Thursday 14 November 2024. Registration is due Monday 04 November 2024. World Wide Data Day ATLAS CMS Registration Register your group for World Wide Data Day! Notes and…