QuarkNet Fellows Group



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Agenda--Rice QuarkNet ---June 7-8, 2016

Objectives Participating teachers will: Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations. Identify and describe ways that data are organized for…

Workshop Self-Check

The Teaching & Learning fellows want to be helpful and support workshops however we can. To that end, we drafted this document called "Workshop Self-Check" that we hope will help you plan,…

CMS Data Workshop @ University of Wallamaloo

Guidelines document (required reading for facilitators).     Objectives Participating teachers will: Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.…

Data workshop agenda example

Guidelines document (required reading for facilitators).     Objectives Participating teachers will: Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data investigations.…

LHC Fellow Mission - Draft

Through the development of activities and workshops such as the Particle Physics Masterclass, CMS and Ligo e-Labs the LHC Fellows:   Acquaint teachers with contemporary, high energy physics…

Cosmic Ray Workshop Agenda

“Our mission is to create opportunities for teachers and students to explore the nature of scientific research. Using cosmic ray muon detectors, participants design and perform experiments to analyze…

Files for Facilitators

Summer 2016 Meetings and Workshops Calendar

  Week of: (1) Meetings (2) Workshops Facilitator(s) (3) May 29 FIT Cosmic Frankowiak June 5 Idaho State Purdue Calumet NIU Rice/Houston KU (Jun 6-7…

QuarkNet Center Staff/Fellow Assignments as of April 2016

Each QuarkNet Center will have a Staff member or a Leadership fellow to be the main point of contact with QuarkNet Central. The assigments are: Berkeley Lab Ken Cecire Black Hills Hank Horn…

Facilitator Workshop 2016

AGENDA All times are in U.S. Central Time. Saturday May 14 Sunday May 15 08:00-10:00     Opening General Session (all)   10:00-11:00     Break and Breakout Session 1   11:00…