Boston Area QuarkNet Center

Welcome to the Boston Area QuarkNet center. We meet on the campus of Roxbury Latin School and serve teachers in the surrounding area.


  • Darien Wood, Mentor, Northeastern University
  • Ulrich Heintz, Mentor, Brown University
  • Rick Dower, Lead Teacher
  • Mike Wadness, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Links :

2024 August Relativity Workshop

Day 1 of Relativity Workshop focused on the historical development of the idea of relativity from Galileo to Einstein, the development of Lorentz transformations (following Taylor and Wheeler), and…

Boston QuarkNet Fall Meeting (December 12, 2023)

Darien Wood, our Mentor from Northeastern University, brought a new colleague from Northeastern to join ten teachers in person and two teachers on Zoom for our fall meeting. Rick Dower presented a…

Boston QuarkNet Center 2023 Annual Report

Boston Summer 2023 Workshop

Boston QuarkNet Workshop: Questions and Clues in Particle Physics August 9-10, 2023 Roxbury Latin School, 101 St. Theresa Avenue, West Roxbury, MA Small URL for this page:…

June 8, 2023 Meeting on Supermassive Black Holes

Rick Dower gave a presentation with the accompanying Power Point slide set and invited the participants in person and on Zoom to work through calculations on the accompanying Word document related to…

Boston Particle Physics Masterclass 2024

Just the Facts QuarkNet Homepage What: QuarkNet's U.S. Particle Physics Masterclass!!!! A chance for you to experience first hand particle physics data directly from CERN!!! Funded in part by the…

Boston QuarkNet Shared Google Folder

  In the linked folder below place documents that you wish to share.  MAKE SURE YOU ARE PLACING A COPY OF YOUR DOCUMENT. If you are using files in the folder MAKE A COPY OF THEM FIRST TO YOUR OWN…

2021-2022 Boston Center Annual Report

Boston Summer 2022 Workshop on Fusion

  August 8-9, 2022   Information and Resources Agenda - Includes links to Youtube videos Registration Survey Survey Update OR Full Survey (if you did not complete full…

Boston QuarkNet 2020-2021 Annual Report