Evaluation Team

Site for the evaluators

Welcome to the Evaulation Team Group. This is an area for evaluators, PIs and the EAC to post documents and tools, to collect data and post reports for PIs and funders.

Links :

2021 Evaluation Executive Summary

One-page Summary of Evaluation Results

This summary updates evaluation findings that indicate the center in which teachers participate in QuarkNet matters related to teacher-level and student-level outcomes. 

2020 Evaluation Report: Executive Summary

The executive summary of the 2020 Evaluation Report

2020 Evaluation Report

The full narrative of the report including the executive summary and all appendices.

2019 Evaluation Report

The full narrative report.

2019 Evaluation Report: Executive Summary

This is a short (3-page) summary of the evaluation efforts for 2019 as well as future evaluation plans. 

Program Theory Model 2019

The QuarkNet Program Theory Model (PTM) depicts the current  program as designed from the standpoint of providing a consensus as to the model's representativeness of the program among key…

2019 Teacher Survey


2013 Online Teacher Survey Evaluation Report

2013 Interview Evaluation Report