LHC Fellows Workspace

Development and utilities for the QuarkNet LHC fellows.

This is where LHC and Neutrino fellows try out ideas, build agenda pages, and keep our important docs. 

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Hoosier Association of Science Teacher, Inc. Mini-ConferenceNoblesville High School, October 12, 2024 Small URL for this page: https://cern.ch/hmini24. AgendaTime (ET)ActivityRemarks10:…

Friday Flyer - September 20, 2024

 This is the first Friday Flyer of the 2024-2025 academic year. For those new to the Friday Flyer...The FF is a newsletter that comes out about twice a month during the academic year, usually on…

Quantum Concepts Tutorial

Please divide into three groups. Each group should research and answer the Foundation Question and then their assigned Group Question. Groups share their answers by creating a poster or a slide. …

Relativity Concepts Tutorial

Divide into four groups. Each group is assigned to find answers for the Foundation Question plus one of the four Group questions. Each group presents to the other groups what they have learned. …

Friday Flyer - June 7, 2024

Spotlight on Summer 2024A whole bunch is happening this summer in QuarkNet. Summer is, of course, our most intense season. We expect up to thirty different QuarkNet center meetings and workshops with…

Quantum Physics Workshop Development

 AgendaDay 1Time (local)ActivityRemarks09:00Coffee, introductions, and setting the stage 09:30Light as a waveInterference and diffraction review10:15Main Principles TutorialWave-particle…

Special Relativity Workshop Development

AgendaDay 1Time (local)ActivityRemarks09:00Coffee, introductions, and setting the stage 09:30Data Activity: Mean Lifetime Part I: DiceLifetime calculation practice10:15Break 10:30Data Activity: Mean…

Old Events Page

Events calendar Centers calendar Workshops calendar   Events of interest to QuarkNet teachers  •  TOP▲ Happenings at centers  •  TOP▲   Workshops and more  •  TOP▲ TOP▲ /**/

g-2 short study and discussion

The Muon g-2 experiment measures the magnetic moment of the muon with high precision. The results are, well, interesting.           Images courtesy of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,  …

Odd Short Tutorial

    Image source: https://www.lhc-closer.es/taking_a_closer_look_at_lhc/0.totem                     Image source: http://hepd.pnpi.spb.ru/hepd/images/d0.jpg       In March 2021, the TOTEM…