NGSS 4: Analyzing and interpreting data

How Speedy are These Muons?

In this activity, students use authentic detector data to apply simple 1D kinematics (v=d/t), interpret graphical data, and evaluate measurement uncertainties.

Plotting a Concensus

The purpose of this activity is to come to a consensus for the “best” value for the mass of the Z Boson.

Angles and Dimuons

This activity is based on the data analysis used for World Wide Data Day,

Research Using Coding

This activity provides techniques for guiding students doing an independent research project.

Introduction to Coding Using Jupyter

Students will learn the basics of coding using Jupyter style notebooks.


Students use TOTEM data to determine if protons (quantum objects) obey classical conservation of momentum.

Particle Transformations

Students discover the rules of particle transformations using transformation diagrams.

Making Tracks II

Students analyze tracks in a bubble chamber.

Making Tracks I

Students analyze tracks in a cloud chamber.

CMS Masterclass WZH-path

Students are physicists for a day at a university or lab where they work with physicists to learn how to analyze real particle physics data in the form of event displays.