Friday Flyer/News
Resources for Cosmic Ray Analyses Online
Cosmic Ray Analysis Opportunities The QuarkNet Cosmic Ray e-Lab ( contains a large data set of cosmic ray events and analysis tools with which teachers can…
Friday Flyer - March 27, 2020
Spotlight on Remote Learning with Data Activities The "spotlight" last week focused on a collection of resources for teaching physics during this time of distance learning. This week, we…
QuarkNet Zoom Channels for Videoconferencing
Small URL for this page: Videoconference technology can be a very helpful tool when teaching online. QuarkNet has created several Zoom channels that may be used by any…
Resources for Teaching Physics Online
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many physics classrooms to go online. QuarkNet has collected resources to help teachers in this situation. We do not officially endorse these resources but…
Friday Flyer - March 20, 2020
Spotlight on Teaching Physics in a Pandemic Physics teachers are turning to online tools and distance learning to reach their students as school buildings have closed, and we are all staying…
Friday Flyer - March 13, 2020
Spotlight on the Colorado State University QuarkNet CenterCherie Bornhorst and Adam Pearlstein work with mentor Bob Wilson to organize activities in Fort Collins. Last April, CSU hosted a MINERvA…
Friday Flyer - March 6, 2020
Spotlight on the Brookhaven National Laboratory/Stony Brook University QuarkNet Center Mentors Ketevi Assamagan at Brookhaven and Dmitri Tsybychev and Michale Rijssenbeek at Stony Brook have a…
Friday Flyer - February 28, 2020
Spotlight on the Rice University/University of Houston QuarkNet Center This center had a very busy 2019, starting right away in January with the AAPT meeting in Houston. Mentor Frank Guerts joined…
Friday Flyer - February 21, 2020
Spotlight on International Masterclasses International Masterclasses (IMC) start next week on Wednesday, February 26, with three ATLAS masterclasses, an LHCb masterclass, and a videoconference…
Friday Flyer - February 14, 2020
Spotlight on the Texas Tech QuarkNet Center Sung-Won Lee is lead mentor at this center located in Lubbock on the plains of northwestern Texas. Three physics teachers gathered here in June of 2019…