Friday Flyer/News
Friday Flyer - December 4, 2020
Spotlight on the Virginia QuarkNet Center . . . . . . which is not to be confused with the Virginia Tech QuarkNet Center. The latter is based at Virginia Tech while the former, the subject of…
Friday Flyer on Monday - November 23, 2020
There will be no Friday Flyer this coming Friday (November 27), as we'll be on Thanksgiving break. We'll pick it up again on December 4. Have a great Thanksgiving! Spotlight on the University…
Friday Flyer - November 13, 2020
Spotlight on the Oklahoma State University QuarkNet Center Oklahoma's two QuarkNet centers—University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University—take turns hosting summer teacher workshops each…
Friday Flyer - November 6, 2020
Spotlight on World Wide Data Day As October and November roll around each year, here at Notre Dame we enjoy the autumn colors, apples from local orchards, and, of course, the ramp-up to World Wide…
Friday Flyer - October 30, 2020
First-Ever Special Dark Matter Issue Spotlight on Dark Matter What do we know? Not much. We cannot detect dark matter directly—so far—but we have a pretty good idea that it exists from…
Friday Flyer - October 23, 2020
Spotlight on the Syracuse University QuarkNet CenterSteven Blusk and Matthew Rudolph worked with staff to organize a Zoom CMS data workshop held on August 20–21. Mike Fetsko helped facilitate this …
Friday Flyer - October 16, 2020
Spotlight on Adam LaMee There is a good chance you already know Adam. He was a lead teacher in the Florida State center for many years and, now based at the University of Central Florida in…
Friday Flyer - October 9, 2020
Spotlight on the Florida State University QuarkNet Center Leads Ted Kolberg, Jasun Burdick and Jacob Breman worked with QuarkNet staff to organize a virtual workshop on July 22–24 that primarily…
Friday Flyer - October 2, 2020
Spotlight on the Notre Dame QuarkNet Center The Notre Dame center has a unique place in QuarkNet. The university helps the center offer research opportunities for students and teachers each summer…
Friday Flyer - September 25, 2020
Spotlight on the University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center The Minnesota crew met via Zoom on the mornings of July 13-15 for their teacher workshop this year. For the first two half-days,…