Friday Flyer/News
Friday Flyer - January 11, 2019
Spotlight on the Colorado State University QuarkNet CenterThe CSU center is located near the foothills of the northern Front Range in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado. In August of 2018, six teachers…
Friday Flyer - December 14, 2018
This is the last Friday Flyer of 2018. The flyer will resume after the holidays on January 11, 2019. Spotlight on the Notre Dame QuarkNet Center The University of Notre Dame center is unique…
Friday Flyer - December 7, 2018
Spotlight on the Southern Methodist University QuarkNet Center Mentor Simon Dalley leads this group based at the SMU campus in Dallas, Texas. In 2018, this center's teachers met during the week of…
Friday Flyer - November 30, 2018
Spotlight on the Brookhaven National Laboratory – Stony Brook University QuarkNet Center The BNL-SB center is nearly as old as QuarkNet itself. Shortly after QuarkNet started in 1999, both Stony…
Friday Flyer - November 16, 2018
There will be no Friday Flyer next week; we'll pick it up again on November 30. Happy Thanksgiving! Spotlight on the SUNY – University at Buffalo QuarkNet Center Buffalo hosted a CMS…
Friday Flyer - November 9, 2018
Spotlight on the Virginia QuarkNet Center The Virginia center (not the same as the Virginia Tech center—more on them in another Flyer) was once again very active in the past year. They met twice…
Friday Flyer - November 2, 2018
Spotlight on the Rice University/University of Houston QuarkNet Center This Houston center held two major events in 2018: A CMS masterclass for students and a week-long summer workshop for…
Friday Flyer - October 26, 2018
Spotlight on the Boston QuarkNet Center The Boston Center—really a composite center sponsored by particle physicists at Northeastern University in Boston and Brown University in nearby…
Friday Flyer - October 19, 2018
Spotlight on the Fermilab/University of Chicago QuarkNet Center Summer 2018 was a busy one, with 15 teachers taking part in a workshop and four students involved in a summer research experience …
Friday Flyer - October 12, 2018
Spotlight on Leon Lederman, 1922–2018 Leon Lederman was one of the great physicists, perhaps the foremost, of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. To Fermilab and to QuarkNet, he was that great…