Friday Flyer/News

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Friday Flyer - November 17, 2017

Spotlight on the University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center This center held the first part of its annual teacher workshop in June this year, including a two-day LIGO workshop, followed by two days…

Friday Flyer - November 10, 2017

Spotlight on International Cosmic Day (ICD) ICD is a day in which students worldwide do cosmic ray experiments, report results, and confer with colleagues. This year, the date is November 30. You…

Friday Flyer - November 3, 2017

Spotlight on the Florida State University QuarkNet Center Located in Tallahassee, the FSU Center is now in its 18th year. This year's main event was a teacher workshop that met from July 25–29,…

Friday Flyer - October 27, 2017

Spotlight on World Wide Data Day 2017 As you may have already read in the flyer, World Wide Data Day (W2D2) is coming up on November 14. On that day, midnight-to-midnight UTC, QuarkNet and IPPOG…

Friday Flyer - October 20, 2017

Spotlight on University of Oklahoma QuarkNet Center   QuarkNet's two Oklahoma centers—University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State—take turns hosting summer teacher workshops each year. In summer 2017…

Friday Flyer - October 13, 2017

The Friday Flyer on the 13th! What can go wrrong? Spotlight on Dark Matter Day  October 31 is a day for trick-or-treat, The Great Pumpkin and . . . Dark Matter. This year, that date is also Dark…

Friday Flyer - October 6, 2017

Spotlight on the Colorado State University QuarkNet Center This center—located along the Colorado Front Range in Fort Collins—just completed its sixth year as a QuarkNet center. Led by lead…

Friday Flyer on Monday - October 2, 2017

We were unable to publish Friday due to a schedule conflict so here we are on Monday. As for events to which we awoke today, we have no words. We hope the Friday Flyer on Monday will be of some small…

QuarkNet at Fermilab Open House, September 23, 2017

QuarkNet contributed two exhibits to the Fermilab Open House. Mark Adams designed a cosmic ray exhibit in which visitors could help take data for an azimuthal angle experiment. Rolling with…

Friday Flyer - September 22, 2017

Spotlight on: the University at Buffalo QuarkNet Center  This center held its 11th annual summer workshop for teachers this August, with six teachers in attendance. Professors Ia Iashvili and Avto…