Friday Flyer/News

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Friday Flyer - October 28, 2016

Spotlight on the University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center: During Summer 2016, the annual workshop was divided into two parts: a three-day cosmic ray studies workshop in June and two days in…

Friday Flyer - October 21, 2016

Spotlight on the University of Notre Dame: Notre Dame is not only a very active QuarkNet center but also an administrative hub for the whole QuarkNet program. With support from the university,…

Friday Flyer - October 14, 2016

Spotlight on the Oklahoma State University QuarkNet Center: Nearly 20 teachers from across the state of Oklahoma met on the campus of OSU for a week in June 2016 to learn about cutting-edge research…

Friday Flyer - October 7, 2016

Spotlight on the Virtual QuarkNet Center: The Virtual QuarkNet Center is a unique center that has no geographic bounds, with teachers from Albany to Shanghai. They meet monthly online and get…

Friday Flyer - September 30, 2016

Spotlight on the University of Kansas QuarkNet Center: Located in Lawrence, the center hosted both a research program for high school students and a teacher workshop this summer. Eight teachers…

Friday Flyer - September 23, 2016

Spotlight on the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez QuarkNet Center: Persistence pays off. A few years ago, the QuarkNet center at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM)…

Friday Flyer - September 16, 2016

Spotlight on the Colorado State University QuarkNet Center: This QuarkNet center located in Fort Collins is now in its fifth year. Lead teachers Cherie Bornhorst and Adam Pearlstein along with mentor…

Friday Flyer - September 9, 2016

First Friday Flyer of the 2016–2017 Academic Year! Spotlight on Summer 2016: It has been an exciting summer for QuarkNet! Interest has been, understandably, up on LIGO and gravitational waves,…

Friday Flyer - Special Summer Monday Edition, August 1, 2016

Special Edition! Spotlight on Summer 2016: Summer 2016 has been full of QuarkNet events, from the CERN High School Teacher program to Inspiring Science Education in Greece to Data Camp at…

Friday Flyer - May 27, 2016

Last Friday Flyer of the 2015–2016 Academic Year! Spotlight on Summer 2016: The end of the 2015–2016 academic year is upon us, and as students break for summer, so too will the Friday Flyer (except…