Friday Flyer/News

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Friday Flyer - April 7, 2017

Spotlight on Rice University/University of Houston QuarkNet Center: As many of you know, this has been a very sad year for our colleagues, with the loss of mentor Marj Corcoran this past…

Friday Flyer - March 31, 2017

Spotlight on Purdue University Northwest QuarkNet Center: Purdue University Calumet and Purdue University Northwest have joined forces. Result: same great QuarkNet center, new name. Purdue…

Friday Flyer - March 24, 2017

Spotlight on the University of Oregon QuarkNet Center: Located in Eugene, the center hosted its 15th summer QuarkNet workshop in 2016. With LIGO's recent gravitational wave discoveries, the workshop…

Friday Flyer - March 17, 2017

Spotlight on Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: For QuarkNet, Fermilab is not only home for the Fermilab/UChicago QuarkNet Center but also one of our two major hubs. (The other is Notre…

Friday Flyer - March 10, 2017

Spotlight on the Kansas State University QuarkNet Center: Located in "The Little Apple" (Manhattan, KS), the center is very active serving primarily teachers from rural Kansas. In March 2016,…

Friday Flyer - March 3, 2017

Spotlight on Upcoming Events: Spring is upon us! We have great March activities; read about International Masterclasses and International Muon Week below. Look for a CMS e-Lab Poster Challenge…

Friday Flyer - February 24, 2017

Spotlight on the University of Washington QuarkNet Center: In August of 2016, this center held a three-day cosmic ray studies workshop open to both teachers and high school students. During the…

Friday Flyer - February 17, 2017

Spotlight on Idaho State: The Idaho State University QuarkNet Center is very involved in and dedicated to cosmic ray studies. They spent just about their whole summer 2016 workshop on plateauing…

Friday Flyer - February 10, 2017

Spotlight on Summer Workshop Opportunities at Centers: QuarkNet Central provides several two- to three-day workshops available to our centers. These are facilitated by staff or fellows, and…

Friday Flyer - February 3, 2017

Spotlight on e-Lab Posters: The poster section of all three QuarkNet e-Labs—Cosmic, CMS, and LIGO—is a great resource to find ideas for student investigations and for students to report on their…