Black Hills State University/SURF QuarkNet Center

A collaboration of teachers, students and physicists involved in inquiry-based, particle physics explorations.

Center Leads:

  • Kara Keeter, BHSU (mentor)
  • Peggy Norris, SURF (mentor)
  • Chad Ronish, SURF (center director)
  • Doug Scribner, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here


Teachers, students and physicists working together to explore high energy physics.



Links :

Wonderful Experience

After summer travel and my regional QuarkNet meeting I am finally home for a few days. I am gearing up for the new school year and ready to integrate the things I learned at ISE into my curriculums.…

Implementation of Workshop Ideas 2016

We are going to do....... How can we implement this in our classroom? Something something about the P waves giving students a better idea about the structure of the interior of the Earth…

Seismic Waves Questions 1, 4, 5

By Deirdre Peck & Steve Gabriel   What are the types of seismic waves? How are they different from one another?…

Seismic Waves Question 1, 2, 3

Describe seismic waves.   By Zach Beam, Amanda Towry, Jim Stith What are the types of seismic waves? How are they different from one another? P Waves are compression waves (longitudinal waves)…

LIGO eLAB workshop at BHSU

  Objectives Participating teachers will be able to use the LIGO e-Lab to: Plot and interpret data recorded by LIGO seismic instruments Explain the importance of LIGO seismic data in…

Inspiring Science Educators Summer Academy 2015 in Marathon, Greece

It is another amazing day in Greece (pinch myself!) as I collaborate with colleagues throughout the world to design inquiry-based online science scenarios.  Dr. Angelos Lazoudis introduced us to…

Inspiring Science Educators Summer Academy 2015 in Marathon, Greece

It is an amazing experience here in Greece!  This week I am with teachers from the United States and across Europe to develop lesson plans around inquiry science. A respository of  these…

Summer Project: Creation of a Data Visualization Program using R

Project Goal- To build an interactive website to visualize data taken from the weather detectors located at the 4850 level (4 Winze Wye, 17 Ledge, and Governor’s Corner) of SURF.  Day 1- 6/22/15…

2014 Annual Report - BHSU

Black Hills State University 2014 Annual Report   QuarkNet Center Name, number of years in the program Black Hills State University, Year 6   List of faculty/staff/student participants…

Multi class multi student flux study