University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center

Minnesota teachers and physicists bringing cosmic and particle data to classrooms.


  • Greg Pawloski, Mentor
  • Jon Anderson, Lead Teacher

The Minnesota QuarkNet group works on all aspects of data from QuarkNet with mentor Greg Pawloski and lead teacher Jon Anderson.

Links :

U of M QuarkNet Workshop 2021

August 11-13, 2021 Physics and Nanotechnology (PAN) Building, Room #: 110 Small URL for this page: Agenda Wednesday, August 11 09:00   Opening Session, Shane…

U of M Virtual Masterclass 2021

MINERvA detector at Fermilab. (Photo Credit: Fermilab) Neutrino Masterclass: MINERvA Analysis  Small URL: Saturday, March 6, 2021 Zoom:…

Minnesota QuarkNet Center Annual Report 2020

The Minnesota crew met via Zoom on the mornings of July 13-15 for their teacher workshop this year. For the first two half-days, QuarkNet Fellow and STEP UP Ambassador Michael Wadness (Boston center…

U of M Virtual Summer Workshop - July 2020

July 13-15, 2020 (Mornings)Small URL for this page: Online - Zoom Link: password from…

U of M Neutrino Masterclass - April 4, 2020

MINERvA detector at Fermilab. (Photo Credit: Fermilab) Neutrino Masterclass: MINERvA Analysis - Event cancelled due to Covid-19. Small URL: University of Minnesota,…

2019 Annual Report - Minnesota QuarkNet Center

  University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center Annual Report    Minnesota QuarkNet group at June 2019 workshop.   The Minnesota QuarkNet Center hosted two…

2019 Minnesota Workshop: Neutrinos, CMS Update & e-Labs

  Agenda  Times and specific activities are subject to adjustment. University of Minnesota, PAN Room 120 Wednesday, June 12 09:00    Coffee, Intros, Updates…

U of M Neutrino Masterclass - April 6, 2019

MINERvA detector at Fermilab. (Photo Credit: Fermilab) Neutrino Masterclass: MINERvA Analysis Small URL: University of Minnesota, PAN Room 110 - April 6, 2019 Agenda…

2018 Annual Report

  University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center Annual Report The Minnesota QuarkNet Center hosted two events during 2018: A CMS Masterclass and a summer teacher meeting. In addition, one Minnesota…

2018 Minnesota Neutrino Data Workshop Prototype

Small URL for this page:   Agenda, Wednesday, June 13, 2018 (Ken Cecire joining today) Time (local) Activity 09:00 Coffee, introductions…