University of Minnesota QuarkNet Center

Minnesota teachers and physicists bringing cosmic and particle data to classrooms.


  • Greg Pawloski, Mentor
  • Jon Anderson, Lead Teacher

The Minnesota QuarkNet group works on all aspects of data from QuarkNet with mentor Greg Pawloski and lead teacher Jon Anderson.

Links :

2014 Annual Report - University of Minnesota

The QuarkNet workshop at the University of Minnesota this year (2014) on the week of Aug 11. As usual, the agenda and activities were organized by the lead teachers Shane Wood and Jon Anderson.…

Day/Night Cosmic Ray analysis

Description: See if there is difference between day and night cosmic rays, on the same day. Standards:   Learning Ojectives:   Prior Knowledge:   Background Matrial:   Implementaton:   Assessmt:    

Pressure eLab Activity

DESCRIPTION Students will perform a search of the data to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the flux.  This activity will enable students…

CMS Data Workshop at Minnesota

Need an e-Lab or QN drupal account? Sign up Location: Tate Laboratory of Physics, Room 130     Objectives Participating teachers: gain knowledge and skills to successfully complete…

Agenda for CSS Teachers' Workshop - August 5-6, 2013

Need an e-Lab or QN drupal account? Sign up!   Monday 5 August 2013 0:900    Registration and Coffee 09:15    Intro slides 09:30    LHC and CMS (J. Manns) 10:30   CMS e-Lab…

Welcome to UMN QuarkNet!

Welcome to the Minnesota QuarkNet Center group. We will be building this over the next few weeks. Here are three things you can do right now: Edit your site profile  In the top menu, roll over "My…