Fermilab / University of Chicago / College of DuPage Center

Center at Fermilab that includes Chicago slots

Tom Carter, Mentor, COD
Carley Bennett, Mentor, COD
George Dzurickso, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Welcome to the Fermilab/U Chicago QuarkNet Center. 

Links :

2023 Abstract from Aiman and Jonathan

Testing the Reflector for BREAD (Broadband Experiment for Axion Detection) Students: Aiman Imran, Jonathan Schiff Mentors: Dr. Andrew Sonnenschein, Dr. Stefan Knirck   Little is known about dark…

2023 Abstract from Jensen and Brian

Muon Tomographic Imaging of Kukulkan Pyramid: Visualization and Analysis Website Students: Jensen Coonradt, Brian Li Scientist Mentors: Mark Adams, Dave Hoppert   Our project aimed to develop a…

QuarkNet Teachers Workshop, 2023, NOvA Masterclass Data

QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2023 Fermilab/University of Chicago/College of DuPage Center tinyurl for this page https://tinyurl.com/QTW2023   zoom link for the workshop QTW 2023 Zoom link   …

2022 Annual Report

QuarkNet Fermilab/University of Chicago Student Summer Research and Teacher Workshop Annual Report 2022   The Fermilab/University of Chicago QuarkNet Center held its annual teacher workshop…

2022 Abstract from Simone

Mass Observable Relationship for Machine Learning Student: Simone Shevchuk Scientist Mentor: Yuanyuan Zhang AstroPhysics/Galaxy Clusters   Dark matter and energy constitute 95% of our universe,…

2022 Abstract from Alena

Evaluating the 2018 Fermilab EDIT School Code Student: Alena Morrisette Scientist Mentors: Mandy Rominsky, Evan Niner, Nathaniel Pastika Test Beams/Detectors   EDIT School is a program for…

2022 Abstract from Isabella and Maryanne

Multi-wavelength simulations of galaxy clusters Students: Isabella Vesely and Maryanne Xu Scientist Mentors: Brian Nord, Aleksandra Ciprijanovic Deep Skies, Computing   Galaxy clusters are…

2022 Abstract from Sri and Serena

Upward Muon Search Project Students: Serena Garza and Sri Gaddam  Scientist Mentor: Mark Adams UIC/CRMD   Our experiment focused on the process of developing a new QuarkNet analysis program to…

QuarkNet Teachers Workshop, 2022, Teaching with Data

QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2022, Teaching with Data Fermilab/University of Chicago Center tinyurl for this page QTW2022completed zoom link for the workshop QTW 2022 Zoom link   Objectives Apply…

FNAL/UofC, QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2022: CMS Masterclass Workshop

I have created a document version of this agenda, so as to allow for comments. Please make any future adjustments to the "completed" version.   QuarkNet Teachers Workshop 2022, Teaching with Data…