Fermilab / University of Chicago / College of DuPage Center

Center at Fermilab that includes Chicago slots

Tom Carter, Mentor, COD
Carley Bennett, Mentor, COD
George Dzurickso, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Welcome to the Fermilab/U Chicago QuarkNet Center. 

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FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Design, Construction and Simulation of an ADRIANO Prototype Detector

N. Cornwell G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute C. Gatto, Fermilab Calorimetry is one of the most fundamental methods of particle detection and analysis still prevalently used in high…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - SHOLO: Simulated Holometer Data

K. Nam G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute C. Stoughton, Fermilab The Fermilab Holometer is an experiment designed to detect and measure holographic noise, a fundamental uncertainty in…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Calculating Scaling Relations of Dark Energy Survey Galaxy Clusters using Multiwavelength Data

B. Coy G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute M. Soares-Santos, Fermilab Galaxy clusters are the most massive structures known to man, and a heated topic of research in the astrophysical…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - The Effects of High Pressure on PT-1000 RTDs

A. Lindsay G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute H. Back, Fermilab This summer I ran many tests on a PT-1000, which is a type of resistance temperature detector (RTD). The PT-1000's…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Measuring the Speed of Sound as a Technique to infer the Temperature of Bubble Chambers

M. Bernstein G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute M. Crisler, Fermilab Bubble chambers are contraptions used for direct dark matter detection. They contain a superheated fluid, and…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - PIP-II Beamline MC Simulation for Low Energy Neutrinos

K. Donlin G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute Jong-Hee Yoo, Fermilab This summer I simulated several different neutrino beams in order to help design a future neutrino beam at FermiLab…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Automating Testing of the Optical Links for the CMS

B. Hawks G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute J. Chramowicz and A. Prosser, Fermilab With the Phase 1 CMS Upgrades being on such a tight schedule, being able to test the upgraded CMS…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Performance Studies for High Speed Data Communication for CMS Tracking Trigger

S. Wang G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute T. Lui, Fermilab In the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), clusters of protons are accelerated to extremely high speeds and collided inside a…

FNAL-UC Abstract 2014 - Performance Study of a 2D Prototype of Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory (VIPRAM)

S. Subramanian G. Dzuricsko and I. McNair, De LaSalle Institute T. Lui, Fermilab The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is one of two multi-purpose detectors at CERN that are used to try to detect…