Fermilab / University of Chicago / College of DuPage Center

Center at Fermilab that includes Chicago slots

Tom Carter, Mentor, COD
Carley Bennett, Mentor, COD
George Dzurickso, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Welcome to the Fermilab/U Chicago QuarkNet Center. 

Links :

2016 Abstract from Amira

Creating a Runs Database Under MIDAS  and MySQL     Amira Malik   Dr. Mandy Rominsky     Abstract   At the Fermilab Test Beam facility, scientists test their equipment against the provided  test…

2016 Summer Student Annual Report for Fermilab U of C site

QuarkNet Fermilab: University of Chicago Student Summer Research and Teacher Workshop Annual Report The Fermilab/University of Chicago QuarkNet Center sponsored its annual student summer research and…

CMS e-Lab Fermi Lab Center summer 2016

Objectives Workshop participants will: Identify particles colliding and emerging from collisions at the LHC from CMS data. Interpret the physical meaning of plots created from CMS data in light of…

2015 FNAL-UC Abstract: Pulsar II and VIPRAM Chip Technology

Pulsar II and VIPRAM Chip Technology  L. Craig- student(Fenwick High School)  N. Tran-teacher(Fermilab)  T. Liu- mentor(Fermilab)   Pulsar II and VIPRAM Chips together can form a general purpose high…

2015 FNAL-UC Abstract: ARCONS Data Analysis

ARCONS Data Analysis  T. Burchfield – student (Wheaton Academy)  G. Dozier - student (Metea Valley High School)  N. Forsberg – student - (Wheaton Academy)  C. Stoughton – mentor (FermiLab)   Our…

2015 FNAL-UC Abstract: LArIAT Firmware Trigger Upgrades

LArIAT Firmware Trigger Upgrades  J. Zhu – student (Naperville North High School)  W. Flanagan – mentor (Fermilab)   Liquid argon time-projection chambers (LArTPCs) are one of the most most promising…

2015 FNAL-UC Abstract: QuarkNet Radio Telescope

QuarkNet Radio Telescope S. Qadir – student (Wheaton North) J. Johanik – student (Metea Valley) M. Mleczko – student (Wheaton Warrenville South) C. Stoughton – mentor (Fermilab) Our purpose during…

2015 Student Summer Research and Teacher Workshop-FNAL/UC Annual Report

QuarkNet Fermilab: University of Chicago Student Summer Research and Teacher Workshop Annual Report The Fermilab/University of Chicago QuarkNet Center sponsored its annual student summer research and…

CMS Data Workshop at Fermilab

July 29-30, 2015Tiny URL for this page: http://tinyurl.com/ke34d9f.ObjectivesParticipating teachers will:Apply classical physics principles to reduce or explain the observations in data…

2014 Annual Report - Fermilab-U Chicago

The University of Chicago sponsored its annual student summer research and teacher workshop for its 8th year. The summer research began June 23rd and went until August 1st. The three day teacher…