Fermilab / University of Chicago / College of DuPage Center

Center at Fermilab that includes Chicago slots

Tom Carter, Mentor, COD
Carley Bennett, Mentor, COD
George Dzurickso, Lead Teacher

Additional Website: Click Here

Welcome to the Fermilab/U Chicago QuarkNet Center. 

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2017 Abstract from Arielle and Antony

The South Pole Telescope: Collaborations for the Cosmic Microwave Background  Arielle Pfeil (Bartlett High School), Antony Simonoff (Adlai E. Stevenson High School),  and Bradford Benson (Fermilab…

Neutrino Workshop 2017

QuarkNet Workshop 2017 - Fermilab/University of Chicago Center August 2-4, 2017 All locations Large Training Room in Training Building (EAOC), unless otherwise stated. Agenda Wednesday…

Cosmic Workshop - College of DuPage - February 2017

  Objectives Participating teachers will be able to: Organize data using the cosmic ray muon e-Lab. Specify limitations and assumptions of a propsed experiment. Manipulate apparatus using…

2016 Abstract from Ryan

Waves to Ones and Zeros:   Data Acquisition in Radio Astronomy    Ryan Thornton (Marmion Academy)  Dr. Christopher Stoughton (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)    Abstract    I designed the data…

2016 Abstract from Pranav

Big Data Analytics for Identification of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars in the Dark Energy Survey  Pranav Sivakumar, Brian Nord, Liz Buckley-Geer   Abstract  We report results from an automated…

2016 Abstract from Keshav

art ​  Visualization Using ParaView    Keshav Kapoor (Naperville Central High School)   ​Dr. Adam Lyon (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)    Abstract    The purpose of this project is to create…

2016 Abstract from George

Muon Beam Storage Magnet B Field Shaping    George Ressinger (St. Charles North High School)   Dr. Brendan Kiburg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)  Abstract The Muon G­2 Experiment at Fermi …

2016 Abstract from Gabriel

Design and Modeling of Dark Matter  Axion Detectors    Gabriel Rizzo (Oak Park and River Forest High School)   ​Dr. Andrew Sonnenschein (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)    Abstract    Axions…

2016 Abstract from Collin

Digital Design for Astrophysics  Detectors    Collin Bradford (Homeschool Student)   ​Dr. Chris Stoughton (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)    Abstract    Sensors in particle detectors​ often…

2016 Abstract from Ben

Quarknet Radio Telescope: The  mechanization to track celestial objects    Ben Hardin (Batavia High School)   ​ Dr. Adam Anderson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)    Abstract    The purpose of…